Sabtu, 20 April 2019

Ebook Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything

edwynmathysmalindatuft | April 20, 2019

Ebook Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything

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Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything

Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything

Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything

Ebook Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything

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Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything

Product details

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Audible Audiobook

Listening Length: 6 hours and 52 minutes

Program Type: Audiobook

Version: Unabridged

Publisher: Audible Studios Release Date: January 7, 2016

Whispersync for Voice: Ready

Language: English, English


Amazon Best Sellers Rank:

This is the most important book I have ever read. I have had personal struggles re: my beliefs which are not in line with main stream religion. So I have spent most of my adult life believing what works for me. Ervin Laszlo's book has essentially confirmed my personal beliefs and for me makes great sense about the universe(God) and how we are all connected. Reincarnation and near death experiences are dealt with in the book. Very inspirational. The early part of the book covers topics necessary for the overall point that he makes but is not simple to follow for a layman, but don't let that discourage you from reading the whole book.

Prior to reading this I already grasped the concept of the Akashic record as it might relate to quantum physics, this book explores that idea in much greater detail. I have an avocational understanding of particle physics and quantum mechanics, but my engineering mind has trouble resolving nebulous concepts like superposition, nonlocal coherence and wave particle duality. What this book does is postulate that an Akashic field interacts with the quantum vacuum to produce these manifestations of quantum weirdness at the micro- and macroscopic level. I think. I have to read it again.

How is it that 85% of the 5 star reviews are verified purchasers, while 50% of the 1 star reviews are verified purchasers?Love your book Ervin and, as a meditator for 50 years, I see that the Akashic field is every bit as real as the "scientific" fields.Thanks

I am reading too many books, all at once, and discovered through the Amazon firestick that there is a huge library of educational materials out there. I bought this book because of some of the videos discussing the new perceptions of science and religion and philosophy. Fascinating. Very disruptive when I have so much else to do, but just a delight. Should mention that the authors provide a good bridge to the various scientific and conceptual modalities. Ha, I always wanted to be able to say something that pretentious. and it fits. It is the door to another new understanding of the cosmos.

This book in in support of a growing list of scientists (Chopra, Mitchell, the FREE group, Currivan, McTaggart, Talbot, et al )advancing the notion that the universe consists of an interconnecting cosmic Field as the essence of all reality. The Field drives and links information, consciousness, and the creation of all things visible and invisible including past events, emotions, manifest energy packets that make "matter", biology, evolution, mind, and creativity. Laszlo calls this Field Akashic and its is similar to the scientific idea of Zero-Point Energy Field (ZPE).. The Field has been and always will be.The Field paradigm has strong and growing support from empirical research conducted by traditional sciences, quantum mechanics, systems science, and parapsychology. The Akashic/ZPE Field is very appealing and, interestingly, it does not, in principle, conflict with traditional religion, but reframes it. The ideas are very intriguing; fascinating. It appears that humanity is at the precipice of a phenomenal earth-shaking paradigm; powerful stuff.The book should be read by everyone; a gateway to the future has opened.Rich

'Science and the Akashic Field' is after the books of Paracelsus, Mesmer, Reichenbach, Reich, Burr, Lakhovsky, Capra, Emoto, Hunt and Sheldrake the most important book I have read on the integration of the energy paradigm—associated with the perennial notion of the ‘ether’— into the heart of modern science.Deepak Chopra, M.D. wrote about this book: ‘The most brilliant, comprehensive, and intellectually satisfying integral theory of everything that I have ever read.’The author introduces the book with the following elucidation that I think is worth to be quoted in its integrality:—Akasha (â · kâ · sha) is a Sanskrit world meaning ‘ether’: all-pervasive space. Originally signifying ‘radiation’ or ‘brilliance’ in Indian philosophy akasha was considered the first and most fundamental of the five elements – the others being vata (air), agni (fire), ap (water), and prithivi (earth). Akasha embraces the properties of all five elements: it is the womb from which everything we perceive with our senses has emerged and into which everything will ultimately re-descend. The Akashic Record (also called The Akashic Chronicle) is the enduring record of all that happens, and has ever happened, in space and time.There is something like a dialectic movement to be observed in the scientific evolution of humanity. There was first a high development of single individuals that today we call sages, who knew that all life is unity, that essential oneness is the most important feature of our cosmos—and thus that all is somehow interrelated. Then there was a phase of dissection, where the unitary and holistic thinking became split up, and where science that today we qualify as mechanistic ‘clockwork science’ was looking at the parts rather than the whole, and accordingly observed a cosmos that consisted of single elements without relationship to each other. That phase was rather short, some three hundred years at best, and the turn of events occurred in the lifetime and under the physics pulpit of Albert Einstein.It was as if the Newtonian universe which created classical mechanics was going to pieces, virtually with every day, with the discovery of more and more correlations between phenomena that formerly had been considered as separated, and that were relegated to different scientific disciplines. And there was something like a turning point that we could perhaps correlate with the formulation of Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. While Einstein had helped this whole scientific revolution in motion through his early observation that a particle can be particle at times and wave at other times, and that its wave-like state collapses under observation—and thus under the impact of human consciousness—he resisted to admit that relativity theory was not the last word to be said in physics. Meanwhile, the paradoxes accumulated and it all got to a point where holistic thinkers such as Laszlo, who see the big picture, formulated scientifically the coherence factor that links all together in the cosmos. Laszlo called it the information field, Akashic field or A-field.This field has been called zero-point field by others, or simply field, else quantum vacuum or quantum field by still others. Harold Saxton Burr has anticipated it with his concept of the L-field. However, it has to be seen that Burr was still thinking in terms of electromagnetic fields.The earlier research done on the cosmic life energy by Paracelsus, Swedenborg, Mesmer, Reichenbach, Reich, Lakhovsky and Emoto was explicitly registering that the cosmic energy also is a cosmic memory surface, which is an aspect that was not per se apparent in the earlier research.Laszlo apparently wanted to introduce into the scientific context the esoteric notion of the Akashic Records, which was given substantial weight with the readings of Edgar Cayce together with the notion of one single most potent agent, creator energy or creator principle.I won’t comment in this review on the first three chapters that are more or less a summary of the quantum paradoxes, and will thus jump directly to Chapter Four ‘Searching for the Memory of the Universe’ where the author writes that our present science paradigm is not large enough to encompass the new notion of the information field and therefore has to be expanded. He notes four points that I shall quote here as they are mark stones for further research on the matter:—The universe as a whole manifests fine-tuned correlations that defy commonsense explanation.—Astonishingly close correlations exist on the level of the quantum: every particle that has ever occupied the same quantum state as another particle remains correlated with it in a mysterious, nonenergetic way.—Post-Darwinian evolutionary theory and quantum biology discover similarly puzzling correlation within the organism and between the organism and its milieu.—The correlations that come to light in the farther reaches of consciousness research are just as strange: they are in the form of ‘transpersonal connections’ between the consciousness of one person and the mind and body of another./45Let’s not forget to mention Nikola Tesla here, who was one of the early pioneers and who said, as reported by Laszlo, that the curvature of space, which was Einstein’s explanation of the interconnectedness of quantum phenomena, as for example the slowing down of clocks and the shrinking of yardsticks near the speed of light, was not the answer. Contrary to Fritjof Capra who argues more on the line of Einstein, denying the existence of the ether as a valid scientific term, Laszlo affirmed it as an ‘invisible energy field’, calling it the ‘luminiferous ether’ in his background brief ‘The Quantum Vacuum’ and showed that it is a ‘physically real cosmic plenum.’The scientific explanation of how the quantum vacuum impacts upon the historical experience of matter, Laszlo reports, was explained by a theory presented by Russian researchers and that is known as the torsion-wave theory. According to this theory, torsion waves, which thus must be thought of as information rays, link the universe at a group speed of the order of 109 c—one billion times the speed of light! The information aspect of the waves was explained, according to Laszlo by a Hungarian researcher as related to the spin of the particle, which results in a magnetic effect. The magnetic impulse becomes registered in the vacuum in the form of minute vortices.As this kind of connectedness may be difficult to comprehend, Laszlo compares it with the sea. As the water of the sea interconnects all vessels, fish, and other objects in the water, and as the waves of water impact upon the motion of ships, these objects all being ‘in-formed’ by the motion, so do the torsion waves modulate all things in the cosmos, by creating complex patterns. Practically, we can deduce the location, speed and even the tonnage of vessels by analyzing the resulting wave-interference patterns. And here is a sentence to be carefully noted for it fully confirms Masaru Emoto’s idea that water contains a memory:—Water has a remarkable capacity to register and conserve information, as indicated by, among other things, homeopathic remedies that remain effective even when not a single molecule of the original substance remains in a dilution./53The next very important clarification regards the oft debated question if the quantum vacuum is really frictionless; many question that a frictionless vacuum could exist at all. Yet, Laszlo points to the recognized superfluidity of supercooled helium (2.17 Kelvin), which is a vacuum that according to John Wheeler’s calculations has an energy density of 1094 erg per cubic centimeter, which is more than the energy associated with all the matter particles in the universe, when measured moving at the speed of the light.Now, let us look what information does to the vacuum. Laszlo speaks of a ground state, which is when no information flow is registered. When vortices excite the vacuum, what happens is that interference patterns are created which contain the actual information.I would like to mention here the excellent study by Michael Talbot, 'The Holographic Universe', which I equally reviewed, and that gains a much greater importance after these revelations about the actual nature of holograms, and how they are created. Laszlo ends the chapter with the lucid statement that ‘the quantum vacuum generates the holographic field that is the memory of the universe’. It could not be clearer.

Wasn’t expecting this. However I enjoy it! Makes me use my brain in a way I never have before (lol.) I really get into it but must do it in doses. Get this book!

Brilliant and thought provoking. Having soaked this up I am pleased to have now found the authors most updated research What is Reality?: The New Map of Cosmos, Consciousness, and Existence (A New Paradigm Book)

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